Beginning 2017
Quality checks of the Daasanach learning materials with Ruth Würzle
Practical instruction of new INES workers on learning material production by Edwin Changamu
Leadership sessions for Edwin Changamu by Ruth Würzle and Theresa Schaller
Practical introduction and activity training with the INES campus school teacher Bonaya Yierar and his assistant teacher Mary Nabul
Interviews with Daasanach on their concepts and visions of schooling, teaching and learning with Theresa Schaller
Middle 2017
Completion of the Introduction Ladder of Learning and the learning materials
Practical support of learning material production by German volunteers in Regensburg. Thank you to all the helping hands!
First big teacher training in Illeret (conceptualization of the first module by Antonie Höldrich and the German URC-INES Team)
Opening of a model school on the INES campus with 15 girls
The teacher trainees Joshua Esho, Jeremiah Tete and Joshua Asich practice what they have learned and take over small teaching tasks in the model school.
Pupils, teacher trainees and the INES Team learn from and with each other
Qualiy check of the produced Daasanach learning materials with the volunteer Caroline Kirr
End 2017
Two teacher revision workshops are facilitated by Edwin Changamu and Bonaya Yierar with the teacher trainees