Theresa Schaller and Ruth Würzle support the INES projects as pedagogical consulatants. If you want to learn more about the mobile schools, the teacher education programme or the system Ladders of Learning feel free to contact us.
E-Mail :
Christoph Prinz von Bayern, Wolfgang Prinz von Bayern (brothers of Fr. Florian), Father Maurus OSB and Martin Eickelschulte support Fr. Florian´s work from Germany. In case you want to donate or have any queries concerning the project please contact us by e-mail. We will get back to you promptly.
Christoph von Bayern, Feldafing
Wolfgang von Bayern, München
Martin Eickelschulte, Starnberg
Father Maurus OSB, St. Ottilien (donation receipts)
E-Mail :
Bank details for donations:
Should you be so kind as to help with a very welcome donation please use the following bank account of the Mission Procurators of St. Ottilien. We will be happy to supply you with a receipt for tax purposes if wanted. Please leave your contact details. Your donation will go to Fr. Florian without any deduction for cost.
Recipient: Missionsprokura St. Ottilien
Bank: Sparkasse Landsberg
IBAN: DE89 7005 2060 0000 014654
Payment reference: INES 0195