2016 Beginning 2016 Prototypes for language acquisition ready for scale up All raw materials for sixteen sets of Daasanach and Mathematics learning materials are now in Illeret ready for processing. Daasanach proofreading of all activity and material cards for language acquisition and Mathematics. Daasanach songs are being recorded in the church. Daasanach stories are being recorded in the nearby lager. Felt letters and numbers are being stiched on goat skin. INES material development team in Illeret. Mid 2016 Edwin Changamu is the new pedagogical leader in Illeret. A first workshop on leadership takes place (concept by Antonie Höldrich; local implementation: Ruth Würzle and Theresa Schaller). The concept of the Daasanach Ladder of Learning is revised on basis of experiences made in Germany with the German Ladder of Learning on language acquisition (Buchstabenberge). A first model school on the campus starts. INES material workers receive basic education in this campus school. The school takes place under a tree. Learning materials and storage bags which have been created so far are introduced in a first mobile fora. The material bags are being tested by the trainee teacher Joshua Esho and his mobile community. End 2016 Production of Daasanach learning materials takes place. Production of Daasanach material bags takes place.